Visiting Artist - Nancy Gong - October 2020

This past week we had a visiting artist and great friend, Nancy Gong, rent my studio to create a custom heron piece for one of her clients.


It was great for Nancy to be able to stay upstairs in the studio, share meals in the tiny house, go for hikes right outside our door, and do a little sightseeing while she here creating her work.  As always, there is some down time while waiting for work to come out of the kiln.  The down time enabled her to fire some experiments and work on some new commission proposals......or just enjoy the surroundings.


The heron project needed 3 firings in our large Olympic kiln.  By firing and flipping and re-firing the base glass with the design on each side, this allowed for a little more depth in work.

Loved having Nancy here and we hope she returns soon.  She did say she wants to plan on getting more commissioned work of this type so that she can return to this amazing place that we live and work in.

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